8 Resources

Here, sits any general useful resources that cover topics across the spectrum of science.

8.1 How-tos

  • JEFworks - has some sections for writing an abstract, reviewing papers and giving a poster presentation.

8.2 Reproducible science

8.3 Heritability and LD score regression

8.4 RNA sequencing

  • DIY transcriptomics - hybrid course covering best practices for bulk and single cell RNA-sequencing data analysis, with a primary focus the use of lightweight and open-source software and the R/bioconductor environment.

8.5 Statistics and data visualisation

  • Fundamentals of Data Visualization - excellent book meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. Visualisations based on ggplot2. A great read no matter what stage of your career you’re at.
  • Tidy Modeling with R - nice, short book on using the tidymodels packages for model building.

8.6 Books

  • Jeff Leeks book - free and outlines the core principles behind being a scientist in a open source way.